A Texas man has been found guilty of a gruesome series of murders that involved dismemberment and ritualistic elements. Jason Thornburg’s conviction for capital murder has...
In a harrowing incident captured on surveillance video, a shirtless man attempted a sexual assault on a female employee at a vape shop in Florida. The...
In a story that underscores resilience and the quest for justice, two brothers from Washington, D.C., who spent over three decades in prison for a murder...
A tragic incident in Palm Beach County has left the community in mourning and a deputy in a critical battle for survival. Deputy Ignacio Diaz of...
A violent altercation erupted at a Miami tire shop when two brothers assaulted an employee over a disagreement concerning a work order. The incident unfolded on...
In a recent incident at a middle school, chaos erupted when two parents physically attacked a female deputy. This confrontation not only escalated quickly but also...
A tragic incident unfolded in Roxbury, Massachusetts, when a 73-year-old woman was fatally attacked by her own pit bull. Jeriline Brady-McGinnis, described as having a “heart...
A dramatic incident unfolded in San Antonio, Texas, capturing the attention of many as a video of an alleged drunk driver went viral. The footage, which...
Employees at a Planet Fitness in Indiana were taken aback when they found the deceased body of a 39-year-old man inside a tanning bed, where he...
Recently released bodycam footage reveals a peculiar incident involving a Michigan man who attempted to evade law enforcement on a riding lawn mower. The footage captures...