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Baltimore Attack Highlights Alarming Flaws in Justice System



A 66-year-old man, referred to as Bernie, recently experienced a terrifying ordeal when a group of masked youths ambushed him on his way home. The incident, which occurred near Patterson Park in Baltimore City, was captured on surveillance video, revealing the brutal nature of the attack.

“There is no accountability. They keep letting them go and letting them go and this is what you’re going to have,” Bernie expressed, highlighting his frustration with the current justice system.

As Bernie recounted to WBFF-TV, the attackers approached him silently, wearing ski masks, and he immediately sensed danger. “I actually didn’t hear anything. They were very, very quiet. Almost like they snuck up on me. But I could feel their presence,” he said. Realizing the impending threat, Bernie attempted to flee, shouting for help as the assailants pursued him. One of the attackers brandished a gun, demanding, “I want everything,” as he threatened Bernie.

The surveillance footage shows the attackers surrounding Bernie, who was left lying face-down on the street. The video captures the chilling moment when one assailant stomps on Bernie’s head while another lands two punches. The attackers then appear to steal his belongings before fleeing the scene.

The assault left Bernie unconscious, with significant injuries including a swollen, bruised left eye and seven stitches near his eyebrow. Despite Bernie’s account of five attackers, Baltimore Police reported arresting two individuals: 18-year-old Montaz Bailey and a 15-year-old male. A handgun and Bernie’s property were recovered following the incident.

Both suspects have prior arrests, and while Bailey was processed at the Central Booking and Intake Facility, the 15-year-old was released to a guardian. This situation underscores the challenges faced by the justice system in handling juvenile offenders. “They get apprehended and within hours, they’re back on the street again,” Bernie lamented, expressing his disbelief at the lack of consequences.

Baltimore City State’s Attorney Ivan Bates has authorized an attempted first-degree murder charge against Bailey. The incident has sparked discussions about the need for systemic changes to prevent such crimes and ensure accountability.

Police Commissioner Richard Worley emphasized the gravity of the situation, stating, “This incident is truly horrific, and my heart is with this victim and our communities.” He called for more to be done to address the ongoing issue of youth crime and the absence of consequences.

Mayor Brandon M. Scott echoed these sentiments, expressing frustration with the recurring pattern of arresting the same young offenders. “The current pattern does a disservice to our residents, our city, and — importantly — the young people themselves,” he noted, acknowledging the need for a more effective justice system.

Bernie’s harrowing experience serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for reform. “You guys really start thinking about changing some laws. And you better do it fast before it hits your house next,” he warned, urging for swift action to prevent similar incidents in the future.

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  1. RobertC

    October 13, 2024 at 11:35 am

    There’s a serious effort by many in our government to undermine traditional American values and throw our society into total chaos. This is not about negligence or incompetency, these traitors know EXACTLY what they’re doing, and realize that this is the way to bring about the Marxist revolution that they so desperately desire. Until this scum is eliminated from the government ranks, these kinds of incidents will become increasingly common, as we’ve already seen. Don’t be pacified by their rhetoric about upholding our laws and keeping us safe – their actions don’t follow their rhetoric at all. The past four years have exemplified how much Americans are under attack by our “leaders”. Our country can’t survive another four years if this, and I pray the voters realize it before it’s too late.

  2. Festus

    October 13, 2024 at 12:13 pm

    Pay citizens a bounty for aborting thugs .I’d say a 9mm round to the forehead should be sufficient. democrats should go along with this, as it involves abortion and spending the public’s tax money.

    • Deplorable Mark

      October 13, 2024 at 2:55 pm

      I prefer Chester.

  3. Deplorable Mark

    October 13, 2024 at 2:54 pm

    Who is “Bailey”? These stories are very poorly written and edited. (I assume Bailey is the adult perpetrator).

  4. Joan

    October 13, 2024 at 3:12 pm

    The liberals have been pushing for decades to save the children. Slap them on the hands and let them back out in ravage the community. These kids are not getting proper teaching at home as to how a civilized person behaves. So the savages are arrested and given back to the very people that have allowed them to be savages. Spare the rod, spoil the child. Your liberals have created this problem.

  5. glenn

    October 13, 2024 at 3:46 pm

    First step would be to abolish the easy entry into our welfare system and quit rewarding woman every time the have another fatherless baby. There is no reason why a woman having her first fatherless baby immediately gets put on welfare. This is where almost all the violence is and this is the production center from these welfare woman. The worse part is nothing will be done and this problem will continue to grow as the government loves to hand out money and get people to depend on the government.

  6. Nick

    October 13, 2024 at 5:38 pm

    People will start packing regardless if they have a permit or not the powers in charge consider us collateral damage when we get assaulted sorry should we care about their laws there is only one rule. Don’t Die

  7. Paul

    October 13, 2024 at 6:23 pm

    PUBLIC HANGINGS! Cruel, inhumane, my ass! Punks getting the justice they deserve is what straightens them out. A woman has babies out of wedlock, and no father around to see that they’re raised properly, should be sterilized! The father should be sterilized and forced to take care of the child as well! Quit letting little whores leach of the system. Democraps are the communist party, they need to be eliminated from America!

  8. Danny Phillips

    October 13, 2024 at 11:35 pm

    This won’t stop until we start to recognize the mental illness aspect of mass shootings. Democrats are mentally ill period. The Justice department keeps letting criminals loose without serving their sentence. Demonrats need to be eliminated from the Earth.

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Master Your Crisis Plan with Essential Emergency Food Tips



In times of crisis, having a well-thought-out emergency food supply can provide significant peace of mind. It’s crucial to select your supplies based on factors like shelf-life, storage capacity, and food quality to ensure you’re prepared for any unexpected situation.

When considering emergency food supplies, one of the primary factors is calorie content. Kits are generally designed to meet the caloric needs of one person over a specific period. Rather than focusing solely on serving sizes, it’s advisable to “compare dollars spent per calorie” to avoid ending up with insufficient rations. If you foresee engaging in physically demanding tasks during a disaster, or if you have a particularly hungry teenager at home, consider supplementing your supply with extra calories through additional proteins or comfort foods.

The shelf-life of emergency food varies significantly. From basic staples like pasta and rice to more specialized items like freeze-dried ice cream, each has its own longevity. Some products may need replacing every couple of years, while others can last over 25 years, making them ideal for long-term storage.

Storage methods also play a critical role in maintaining your food supply. Long-term food is often stored in stackable buckets or totes, while some companies offer one-week supplies in portable containers. For those on the go, consider emergency bars like Datrex bars, which are less affected by temperature fluctuations.

While taste might not seem paramount during an emergency, having nutritious and palatable food is essential. Consider dietary restrictions and try out a 72-hour kit to sample the meals and determine which spices or seasonings you might want to add to your stockpile.

The amount of food you should store largely depends on your circumstances. FEMA suggests a minimum of a 14-day supply of non-perishable food for your family, but aiming for a month’s supply is preferable. If feasible, having enough for 90 days to a year is even better. Don’t forget to stockpile food for your pets, as dry pet food typically lasts 1 to 1.5 years.

Water storage is equally important, with a recommended minimum of one gallon per person per day. FEMA advises having two weeks’ worth of water for hydration and sanitation. Pets will need their own water supply, too. In addition to storing water, investing in a reliable filtration system, like the Alexapure Pro, can be beneficial.

For a well-rounded emergency food supply, opt for shelf-stable, nutrient-rich foods that don’t require refrigeration. Dry cereals, protein bars, ready-to-eat meals, and freeze-dried foods are excellent choices. While rice and beans are affordable staples, they should be part of a diverse food lineup to ensure all essential nutrients are covered.

Grains, rice, beans, and pasta can last up to 25 years if processed and packaged for longevity. Consider adding kitchen spices and staples to your stock but remember to rotate them due to their shorter shelf life.

Store your emergency food in a cool, dry, and dark place with minimal temperature fluctuations. The ideal temperature range is between 50°-72°, with low humidity. Basements or cold rooms are ideal, but pantries, closets, or under-bed storage can suffice. Ensure your storage area is pest-proof, as rodents and even pets can breach packaging.

When selecting emergency food supplies, prioritize products that are long-lasting, nutritious, and palatable. Don’t forget to include vitamins or supplements to ensure all nutritional needs are met during a crisis.

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Master Wilderness Survival with Three Essential Strategies



Survival in the wilderness hinges on understanding and prioritizing three critical elements: core temperature, comfort, and convenience. These three C’s form the backbone of any effective survival strategy, ensuring that you remain not only alive but capable of thriving in challenging environments.

The first and most crucial aspect to address is core temperature. Upon entering any wilderness setting, especially during colder seasons, securing a suitable shelter is paramount. This shelter must be able to maintain a livable body temperature to prevent the onset of hypothermia or frostbite.

Conversely, in hotter climates, overheating poses its own threats, such as dehydration and heatstroke.

“A shelter that helps you maintain a comfortable and manageable body temperature” is vital for survival. Alongside shelter, appropriate clothing is essential. Garments should be adaptable to the climate and flexible enough to allow for movement, ensuring that your attire does not hinder your ability to perform necessary survival tasks.

The second C, comfort, plays a pivotal role in maintaining the will to survive. Constant discomfort can lead to overwhelming physical, mental, and emotional stress. Physically, stress can sap your energy and strength, making it difficult to perform essential survival tasks.

Mentally and emotionally, prolonged distress can erode your will to continue, posing a significant threat to your survival.

“Without comfort, you begin to lose your will to live.” By minimizing stress, you can focus your energy on survival, maintaining the motivation needed to persevere.

Finally, convenience is a key factor in effective survival. By organizing your environment and tasks in a way that reduces effort, you conserve energy and increase your comfort levels. This efficiency means you burn fewer calories, reducing the need to constantly forage for food.

“You can get more done with less amount of time because you are not investing so much into every single task that needs to get done.” Surviving off the land requires significant time and effort, and the more you can streamline your activities, the more manageable and enjoyable the experience becomes.

In essence, the three C’s of survival—core temperature, comfort, and convenience—are interlinked elements that form the foundation of any successful survival plan. By focusing on these areas, you enhance your ability to not only endure but to thrive in the wilderness.

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Unlock Depression-Era Secrets for Modern Homesteading Success



For those living through the Great Depression, resourcefulness was not just a skill but a necessity. Many of the practices that emerged from that era are still relevant today, especially for homesteaders who value self-sufficiency and sustainability.

One of the most essential lessons from the Great Depression was making food stretch further. With meat being a luxury, families often turned to meal extenders like rice, lentils, and beans. These ingredients helped transform a small amount of meat and vegetables into a hearty meal, a technique every homesteader should master.

Moreover, everyday products can serve multiple purposes, a concept that was well understood during the Depression. With simple items like baking soda and vinegar, you can craft your own cleaning and beauty products. For instance, mixing apple cider vinegar and baking soda creates a face mask that can help clear acne-prone skin.

During those challenging times, the mantra was to use “just a dab” of products, ensuring they lasted longer. This practice remains valuable today; using minimal amounts of items like lotion can save money and reduce waste. A “last drop” spatula can help you get every bit out of a container, maximizing your resources.

Another habit worth adopting is saving scraps. Citrus peels can enhance homemade cleaning products, while leftover produce and bones are perfect for stocks and broths. Even bacon grease can be repurposed for cooking. If you can’t find a direct use for your scraps, they can always contribute to a rich compost pile.

Home remedies were a cornerstone of self-care during the Great Depression, as medical care was often inaccessible. Simple treatments like warm honey tea for sore throats or mustard powder poultices for sore muscles were commonplace. Learning to use medicinal herbs and natural remedies can be a valuable skill for any homesteader.

Nothing went to waste back then, and this mindset can still benefit us today. Empty jars and boxes were repurposed for storage, while flour sacks became dresses. Investing in a sewing machine and learning to mend clothes can extend the life of your wardrobe and reduce the need for new purchases.

Community was another crucial aspect of survival during the Depression. Neighbors supported each other through potlucks, where everyone contributed a dish. This tradition is a wonderful way to foster community spirit and share resources in times of need.

Water conservation was also a priority. Only running laundry machines or dishwashers with full loads and placing a brick in the toilet tank to reduce water usage are simple yet effective strategies to lower water bills.

While growing your own food is a common homesteading practice, preserving it is equally important. Techniques like canning, dehydrating, and freeze-drying ensure that none of your hard-earned produce goes to waste.

Lastly, the Great Depression taught the value of physical effort over convenience. Instead of driving, people walked or biked. They hand-washed dishes and line-dried clothes. Learning basic car repairs can also save money and increase self-reliance.

Embracing these time-tested strategies can not only help homesteaders thrive but also cultivate a more sustainable and resilient lifestyle.

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