
Texas Jury Decides Fate Of Man In Ritual Killings



A Texas man has been found guilty of a gruesome series of murders that involved dismemberment and ritualistic elements. Jason Thornburg’s conviction for capital murder has now left a jury with the task of deciding whether he will face the death penalty or life imprisonment without parole.

In a chilling account, Thornburg admitted to the murders of three people in September 2021. The victims’ bodies were dismembered and hidden under his motel bed in Euless, Texas, before being set ablaze in a dumpster in Fort Worth.

Thornburg’s confession revealed a disturbing motive. He claimed he was driven by a need to perform “ritualistic sacrifices” and even confessed to consuming a victim’s heart and other body parts.

His defense team argued that Thornburg was suffering from a severe mental illness at the time of the murders, suggesting that he was not in a sane state of mind.

The trial also brought to light Thornburg’s past violent acts. He confessed to the murder of his roommate during a suspicious explosion in May 2021 and to killing his girlfriend in Arizona in 2017.

As the punishment phase of the trial proceeds, the families of the victims remain unable to speak publicly. The jury’s decision will determine the extent of Thornburg’s punishment for his heinous crimes.

What punishment should this serial killer deserve?

Watch a local news report about the incident below:

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  1. Joan

    December 3, 2024 at 2:39 pm

    I do not believe that the death penality should be withheld due to mental illness. All serial killers have mental illness. What would they do if a dog had attacked multiple people. You don’t support them the rest of their lives. Put them in front of a firing squad and shoot.

  2. Daniel Quigley

    December 3, 2024 at 4:14 pm

    This is most definitely a Capitol Murder Case and the perfect time to bring back Publicly Held and Televised Hangings. Seems this Country has forgotten that line in the Bible that says,” An Eye for a Eye’ to most people that means if you kill then you should immediately be put to Death. The other thing that needs to end are these unlimited Appeals from everyone. Unless your a Blood Relative you should no longer have any grounds or Legal reason to file an Appeal. It’s sad these Murderer’s get to live an additional 10 to 60 years on the Taxpayers Backs while the Families Suffer every second they are awake the rest of their lives. Or if your going tovgive them Life Without the ability for Parole then Let’s make Prison a Prison again. No more Cable TV no more Showers 2 times a day, no more going to college and limit the Medical Care to the very basics. Prison has become a joke and people were actually committing Crimea because they’d have a better life inside.

  3. Paul

    December 4, 2024 at 3:54 am

    Evil is evil! Start putting these vile assholes to death like they deserve, quit making the U.S. citizens pay to keep these pieces of shit alive! Get the tallest tree and start stringing them up! It’s time to show murderers that they will be killed when they kill and quit letting them use this bullshit excuse of mental insanity! Everyone knows you’re not all there if you kill someone, so enough of this shit, they deserve to die as their victims did, HANG’M HIGH!

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