
Midnight SUV Theft Interrupted by Armed Homeowner’s Retaliation



A tense encounter unfolded in San Antonio, Texas, when a homeowner interrupted a midnight burglary in his driveway. The homeowner, Evelio Soto, was forced to return fire after being shot at by the thieves who were pilfering his SUV.

As reported by local authorities, the incident occurred in the 8900 block of Rue De Lis Street around midnight on March 8, involving two armed young males. The event was later publicized when police released video footage of the incident.

On the night of the event, Soto and his family were preparing to turn in for the night. According to Soto, his wife noticed, via her phone, two individuals approaching their residence.

The police account describes how one of the intruders entered the vehicle and retrieved a box of ammunition, while his accomplice kept watch. The vehicle was reportedly unlocked, as indicated by a video report by KENS.

Fearing a potential break-in, Soto grabbed his firearm and went to intervene.

“He noted to the station that he headed down the stairs, opened the front door, and saw a person inside his SUV become frightened.”

Upon Soto’s approach, the suspect reportedly fled down the driveway towards a waiting “getaway” vehicle. In the ensuing panic, the second individual fired his weapon while attempting to enter the vehicle. Soto responded by returning fire.

“He tried to close the door, and he couldn’t,” Soto told KENS. “That’s when he shot, and that’s when I returned fire, and they took off.”

Soto fired two rounds into the ground after the robber fired at him. Fortunately, no one within the household was harmed during the encounter, including Soto himself.

In their Facebook post regarding the event, police advised, “Remember to keep your guns locked up and lock the doors of your car.” However, Soto expressed that the root of the problem was not his unlocked SUV but the criminals themselves.

“This is my home,” he told the station. “If I wanna leave my car unlocked, if I wanna leave my door unlocked, I should be able to. The parents of these kids, they should be taking care of their kids and watching what they’re doing.”

Authorities continue to seek information about the suspects. Anyone with pertinent information is encouraged to contact the police at 210-207-7969.

This incident underscores the importance of vigilance and preparedness, whether you’re embarking on an adventure in the great outdoors or simply safeguarding your home and loved ones.

How do you believe gun laws should be addressed to balance safety and personal freedom?

Watch the video below:

Homeowner shoots at two suspected thieves rummaging through car

Let us know what you think, please share your thoughts in the comments below.



  1. CLARK

    April 20, 2024 at 2:55 pm


  2. Robert Leo

    April 20, 2024 at 3:04 pm

    If our weak judges would stop mollycoddling these criminals and start meting out stricter sentences, and bring back the death penalty, even if it isn’t used, it would be a great threat to those murdering someone in cold blood.

  3. Rand

    April 20, 2024 at 3:27 pm

    Finger prints galore. Those appear to be WHITE males. Jail time for a long time. Lock YOUR car bubba. Parents are to busy listening to crap and the kids don’t care UNTIL they get busted.
    Make them watch “The Hanging Tree”. Then bring back Hanging.

  4. Tim

    April 20, 2024 at 4:02 pm

    the document states plain “for our safety & happiness”. Our employees (pubic serpents) have forgotten who they work for and who pays them. socialism usually ends in mass murder, Amerika will be no different.

  5. Paul

    April 20, 2024 at 5:04 pm

    He is 100% correct! These punks run around doing as they want with zero repercussions! They just sent a mother and father to prison for the acts of their child, which they rightfully deserve since they contributed to the crime. These punks need to be held accountable and receive adult charges for adult crimes, no matter what age they are. That’s how society learns not to do crime, the way hanging used to or the death penalty, both of which our chicken sh!t government and it’s phony judges and lawyers, refuse to use or enforce! FAFO! Do you think breaking into my car for a quarter is worth your life? I guess you’ll FAFO!

  6. Bret

    April 22, 2024 at 12:31 pm

    He lives in San Antonio, which is real close to Austin which is the liberal bastion of insanity in Texas. The home owner will be arrested.

  7. MB Colby

    June 16, 2024 at 2:52 pm

    Stop all the bleeding hearts nonsense. Everyone including the one’s trying to steal, knows by age 4 stealing is wrong. So save the psycho babble and start convicting people who break the law!

  8. Wiliam C

    July 11, 2024 at 12:45 pm

    What has happened to our country. In the 1950s a person could leave their house unlocked and not have to worry about being robbed. The neighbors were always watching out for each other.
    It’s sad that our once great country has become a country where the only thing important is “me” and where criminals have more rights than the citizens.

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